Make sure you have the correct package visibility settings on Android 11+. For more information, visit this link.
Add these lines to your AndroidManifest:
<manifest …>
<package android:name=“com.globalpayments.atom“ />
For the eService version tom:
<manifest …>
<package android:name=“com.globalpayments.atom_eservice“ />
From Android 14+ onwards, the flag "Context.BIND_ALLOW_ACTIVITY_STARTS" must be set - see
For the GP tom version :
If you are using a simulator or developing using the GP DEV environment, use "" for binding instead of the production "com.globalpayments.atom" . Thank you.
For the eService version tom:
If you are using a simulator or developing using the eService tom DEV environment, use "" for binding instead of the production "com.globalpayments.atom_eservice" . Thank you.