The goal of certification is to verify that your integration has been done correctly and that our joint solution will work reliably for our joint customers.
If you are interested in certification, please contact us with a proposal of dates that suits you.
During certification, we will go through the following test scenarios with you:
Scenario name
Presence control GP tom
Successful sales transaction
Failed sales transaction
Timeout transaction sale
Exception during card payment
Transaction cancellation
Close batch
Receipt data
We'll check if your app checks for the presence of our app.
We will make a successful card payment including verification of the PIN code.
We make an unsuccessful card payment (bad pin, insufficient balance, etc.).
We will test the behavior of your application in the case of timeout.
We will simulate an exception during card payment.
We will cancel the payment - the last and older.
We make a day close.
We will check the compliance with the mandatory data on the receipt.
Expected behavior
see the article "Check the installed application"
Initiate payment, GP tom will be invoked, the transaction will be processed, completed by the user, and your application will be successfully recalled.
Initiate payment, GP tom will be called up, the transaction will be processed, completed by the user and your application will be successfully called back up and display any rejected payment information.
The application will respond correctly to missing response from our application and will inform the user.
Response to the exception on our side.
Initiate a cancellation, GP tom will be invoked, the transaction will be processed and your application will be successfully called back and possibly display a successful cancellation.
Starting the closure, GP tom will be invoked, close batch will be processed and your application will be successfully called back and possibly display information about the successful closure.
If you will only provide a receipt from your system, you need to supplement it with transaction data from the terminal.
You can simulate all these states using our GP tom Simulator, which you can find in the download section .