GP tom simulator
For integration purposes, we have prepared the GP tom Simulator application. The aim of this application is to simulate all certification states without the need for test cards. As we will be expanding the functionality, we recommend you always check that you have the latest version of the simulator. To obtain access credentials, please contact us at
GP tom - Simulator (MOCK)
eService tom simulator
For the purpose of integration we have prepared the eService tom Simulator application. This version is for integrators who will use the eService tom application in Poland. The aim of this application is to simulate all certification states without the need to have test cards. As we will be expanding the functionality, we recommend to check if you always have the latest version of the simulator. To obtain access credentials, please contact us at
eService tom - Simulator (MOCK)
GP tom PIN
For the simulator to run properly, you will also need the PIN application GP tom PIN , which can be found here.
GP tom PIN - Test environment
Demo client application including source code
This is a sample application through which you can call app2app API on the same device. The package also includes the source code of the application, so you can get full inspiration for your own implementation.
Demo client applications
AIDL library
The AIDL library is a communication point for your application through which you communicate with our application.