Signys Logistics
by Tresoft s.r.o.

Protocol type:

app2app API

Connection method:


Application version:


Date of certification:


Printing method:

on the device

Available in:

Czech Republic

Supported transactions:

Sale, Cancellation, close batch

Supported segments:

Services, Delivery, Other

System description:

Signys Logistics is a mobile application for warehouse management, logistics and distribution. It supports inventory operations of receipt, issue, stocking, transfer of goods. It helps with the dispatch of goods (loading, picking) and at the same time it is used in the distribution and confirmation of shipments. 

It is an on-line application connected directly to the warehouse and business part of IS Signys. All operations are carried out in real time. The data is immediately read from the Signys system and the actions performed in the reader are immediately written to the system. The user of the Signys system thus immediately has information about the ongoing work in stock and the worker in stock or on delivery, on the contrary, immediately available documents and current data from the headquarters.